(accessed 21 April 2007)
The picture shows the symbol of the European Union superimposed over a map of the world, over the continent of Europe in particular. This picture symbolizes that with organizations like the European Union, borders are no longer needed or used to segregate countries.
The EU is a supranational organization comprising of 27 European countries. The EU encourages globalization. One aspect of globalization would be the crumbling of national borders and the EU has done exactly that with its member states. Members of the EU do not have borders with each other and this allows for greater mobility for the people. As a result of the formation of the EU, there is free trade of goods and services between the member states, supporting globalization. Companies can expand their reach beyond their own countries and has a wider market with more customers. Whether encouraging globalisation is beneficial or not, this remains to be seen.
Citizens of the member states of the EU are citizens of the EU. Every five years, they elect the EU Parliament which passes and amends legislatives and supervises the activities of the EU. Citizens of the EU are free to move around the member states. A phrase used in was ‘In a more political sense, the EU attempts to create - with much controversy - a sense of European citizenship and European political life.’ This means that instead of cultivating ownership and recognition of individual states, the EU is attempting to create a world where people see themselves as belonging to the EU entity. The EU is in a sense working towards a world government.
There are many benefits to having such an arrangement. International ties are strengthened between member states and individual governments need not worry too much about international tension. With the mobility of people and the policy of free trade, the economy thrives. Furthermore, the EU introduced a common currency which is quite strong although it is not mandatory to adopt it. With its political and economic stability, investors are attracted to put their funds into the EU. In addition, this union brings about peace, both on an international and domestic level. Joined by the EU, its member states do not go to war with one another and coexist peacefully. Domestically, the member states pool their resources together, for example criminal intelligence and this ensures that criminals are caught, strengthening home security. The benefits of the existence of the EU are not just felt in the member states. The EU contributed billions of Euro towards humanitarian aid worldwide, helping other countries to develop.
Admittedly, while there are its benefits, there are also several flaws or rather, questions that need to be addressed. The EU compromises sovereignty as the many member countries are considered as a single entity and not individually. Upon joining, they must adhere to the policies previously set up without negotiation. By opening up their borders, the individual governments cannot control who enters their country and who leaves. In the system of a world government, or in something close to it, individual governments must give up their power in order for the system to work. It is difficult to protect the individual rights of a certain country when it is supposed to be part of a larger system.
Even so, with the benefits of the EU and its gaining popularity, other countries are desperate to join the exclusive EU club. Bulgaria and Romania joined at the start of this year while Turkey and Croatia are official candidates, negotiating their entry into the union. However, these countries may be joining because of peer pressure. With so many countries in the union, those left out are feeling the pressure to join. Another factor that may lead to their entry would be to gain recognition and to prove themselves to be as developed as the European countries. Regardless, the EU is expanding its territory with countries begging to join.
Yet there are those that remain resistant to the allure of the EU, such as Switzerland and Norway. However one questions if there are really resistant. Recently, a relative went on a tour of Europe. Crossing the Austria – Liechtenstein border (Liechtenstein is a small country next to Austria and Switzerland that has not joined the EU), it appeared that there was no border as there was no immigration checks or the stamping of passports. This would seem that even countries that do not join the EU are treated against their will as one. Governments that are determined to keep their countries out of the EU must work twice as hard to highlight the distinction or their countries would blur into the union. Even countries that are not in the EU can feel its influence.
However, the EU is not the only organization that unites countries. African nations have now formed their own African Union. Although the African Union is larger than the EU with 53 member states spanning almost the entire continent of Africa, it is not as developed as the EU and needs to solve many conflicts and resolve many issues. The AU is modeled after the EU and has its own Union Parliament. It also wishes to adopt a common currency for all its member states. From here, it is seen that a large scale globalization is in action. Instead of companies expanding their reach of influence, the ideology of a union of continental nations is being spread. Instead of countries looking identical, these unions are starting to look similar with one following the other. Should this continue, a world wide union is possible and a world government is within reach.